summer skin problem Tag

Summer's officially here! As we reach the peak season of the summer sun, wisdom suggests that we pay greater attention to summer skincare routine for protecting our skin. Yet, there are questions about the best ways to do this. Should we avoid the sun? Is all sun exposure bad for us? All sunscreens created equal? Does clothing afford any protection? Get answers to all your questions with the infographic below. The research says that our skin can get even more dry over...

In this hot weather, we all look for cooler things, be it food, clothing, drinks or cosmetics and quench our thirst with water full of ice cubes. But in this whole exercise, we tend to forget our skin, the most exposed part of our body. A few hours in the sun leaves our skin looking dull, dry and dehydrated. So, if we apply the ice cubes on our face, the results can be amazing. So, this summer don't just drink...