
Nothing is as inspiring as seeing the first spring’s bloom pop up as the world comes out from winter. Spring means warmer evenings, longer days and blooming flowers. As we head into warmer months and the sun is out longer, these tips will help you transition into to spring beauty from winter beauty routine. Check out the infographic below to know more about the same:


Tips are as follows:

  • Apply sunscreen to exposed areas if you are going out in the sun for longer than normal, as it helps protect against sunburn and even helps to repair sun damage skin.
  • Exfoliate your lips, as your lips may be flaky and dry after a long winter. Nourish your lips with a balm as it seals in moisture.
  • While spring brings lovely temperature and beautiful blossomed flowers, it is also the season of frizzy and dry hair so try to use a deep conditioning mask at least once a week.
  • Pamper your elbows and heels, although your soul is singing the praises of spring but your skin is still crying out with winter blues.
  • During warmer weather our feet are on display so pay more attention to dry cuticles and moisturize your feet as much as possible.

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