With advancing age, skin gets thinner, fragile and is more prone to damage. Healing and repairs on aging skin is slower as compared to young skin. Skin goes on to become dry and starts exhibiting signs of aging and sun-damage. This may cause your skin to appear as dull and discolored.
Dullness of skin is a common phenomenon during old age, and some factors that cause dullness include environmental factors, such as sun-damage, pollution and low humidity. These factors cause your skin to lose its luminosity much earlier than normal. In addition to these environmental factors, age takes a toll on your skin and the slower cell growth causes skin to appear dull and devoid of luster.
Hiding or getting rid of skin imperfections such as dullness can be easy if you know your skin type, skin tone and the right products for your skin. Some make-up tricks to help you make your skin appear brighter in a jiffy are:
You must use the correct colour correcting concealer before applying foundations. Some colour correctors to help you counterbalance underlying undesirable skin tones and dullness are:
Most women commit the blunder of using light coloured corrector to hide dark circles. It is best to use a foundation that suits and blends into your natural skin tone evenly. Make it a point to use smaller amounts of foundation and blend it thoroughly on your skin using your fingertips.
Once you’ve applied the foundation evenly on your skin and used the correct colour corrector, you’re all set to sizzle and look just as pretty as always. These make-up ideas are good for a day or two, but in order to look best it is imperative for you to get rid of skin discolourations and dullness for good. Some ways of preventing skin dullness have been discussed below:
Exfoliation is one of the key processes to help brighten up a dull complexion. A brighter, fresh skin can be revealed underneath your dull skin once your exfoliator helps in sloughing off the dead skin cells. Your exfoliator must consist of lactic acid, glycolic acid and Vitamin C for best effects. You can also use oatmeal as a good home remedy for exfoliating dull skin.
Moisturizing after exfoliation helps in conditioning your skin and restoration of lost moisture. Make sure you follow up your moisturizing process with toning. A good moisturizer can easily turn your look into a glowing and radiant one. You can also consider moisturizing your skin with Lifecell anti-aging skin cream twice a day to achieve supple, smooth and radiant skin. Lifecell anti-aging cream works best to eliminate skin dullness and effectively reduces the visible signs of aging.
You can reap maximum benefits with just a simple, regular application of Lifecell skin cream. Not only will it help revitalize your skin, but you can also see a considerable reduction in formation of fine lines, open pores, dry skin and all other perils of skin aging. Lifecell cream has some of the most powerful anti-aging ingredients that help in fighting all signs of skin aging. You can also retain the radiance and brightness of your skin for a longer time, by regular application of Lifecell skin cream.