Fight Dry Skin and Grapple Skin Aging!

Skin, the largest organ of your body, undergoes a multitude of changes. When you age, skin tends to thin and dry. Dry, rough skin is often accompanied by a distressing, intense itchiness. Fine lines, wrinkles and flaking, also follow this dryness of skin. How your skin ages depends on different factors that include your lifestyle, diet, hereditary and other personal habits.

What causes dryness of skin as we age?

Many factors contribute to dryness of your skin; some of these factors include:

Hormonal Changes:

Most dermatologists believe that as you age, your skin doesn’t produce the moisturizing it produced earlier. Loss of hormones, loss of sweat glands and production of fewer natural oils mainly cause this. There is also decreased cell renewal, which further causes skin to dry.

Frequent Atmospheric Changes:

As you age, your skin is at the mercy of external factors such as harsh weather and sun. Sun damage is a major cause of skin damage. Even when you try to avoid sun damage, the frequent atmospheric variations lead to further dryness of skin. Low humidity, caused by overheating during winter and air conditioning in summer, also leads to dryness and itching.

Personal Habits:

The problem of skin dryness becomes worse due to certain personal habits. These habits include overuse of soaps, antiperspirants, perfumes or hot baths, which cause your skin to dry easily. Other than these, dry skin can also be caused by dehydration, sun exposure, stress and smoking.

How to keep your skin soft and supple?

Dermatologists recommend incorporating some of the following skincare tips to prevent skin dryness and keep your skin soft and supple:

Smooth on Sun-block:

Sun damage is a major cause of these unwanted changes in skin as you age. The sunrays can be as intense and harmful in winter as they are in summer. Damage caused by UVA and UVB rays not only speed up dryness of skin, but they also lead to spider veins, age spots, wrinkles and melanomas. Make sure you reach out for a sunscreen containing a sun protection factor of 15 or greater. You must be generous in your application of sunscreen, and reapply it after every two hours when you are outside.

Remain Hydrated:

Make it a point to increase your intake of water, so that your skin remains well-nourished. Water helps in washing away toxins and replenishes your body of lost fluids. You must also make it a point to include essential fatty acids and antioxidants to prevent dryness and slow down aging. You can also give your diet a Vitamin A boost because Vitamin A slows down collagen breakdown and later helps in keeping your skin soft, firm and younger looking.

Adopt Regular Skin Care Regime:

Dryness of skin is sometimes, caused because of neglect. It is best to cleanse your skin regularly with soap-free, non-scented cleansers. Avoid hot showers, as these tend to strip your skin of its natural oil barrier. Choose your exfoliants carefully, and use them carefully during dry, winter months. Apply Lifecell cream after your cleansing routine, to keep your skin hydrated and skin barrier protected for 24 hours. Lifecell is the perfect choice of moisturizer that must be included in your daily skin care regime.

Deanol and Dithiolane-3-Pentanic acid present in Lifecell skin cream have purgative effects on your skin. These ingredients cleanse your skin and eliminate free radicals and harmful toxins. This leaves your skin supple and radiant, with visibly reduced crow’s feet, lines, wrinkles and dark circles. Lifecell skin cream works to nourish your skin from inside and helps in reduction of dry skin and other aging skin problems.