March 2016

Nothing is as inspiring as seeing the first spring's bloom pop up as the world comes out from winter. Spring means warmer evenings, longer days and blooming flowers. As we head into warmer months and the sun is out longer, these tips will help you transition into to spring beauty from winter beauty routine. Check out the infographic below to know more about the same: Tips are as follows: Apply sunscreen to exposed areas if you are going out in the sun...

Women have been wearing makeup for centuries, although the styles of wearing it  have certainly undergone considerable changes over time. Throughout the history of makeup women put their health at risk with many of the products that were made at home, even used leeches to give themselves pale appearance that was considered to be beautiful in the old days. Here is an infographic by Medical Insurance explaining details of makeup history: There is a very simple reason to apply makeup and it...

Have you ever wondered whether it really matters to apply the skin care products in a definite order, the answer is yes. The order in which you apply the products makes more of a difference than you actually think. In order to maximize the benefits of the products they should be applied in a definite order. In all of the skincare, not only to the consumers but also to the professionals it is the most confusing issue. Here is an infographic...

As we all know there is nobody that can stop the aging process. Aging is unavoidable, you can keep from getting old by enjoying your time and keeping yourself busy with interesting activities. Everybody ages differently and as per age, everyone wants their own unique anti-aging strategy with anti-aging cream that works for you. Make it a point to work on living a long life that is as good as you can make it. Not everyone knows how to be a...

Wrinkles looks cute on puppies, elephants, and a baby’s chubby legs, but not so cute on us as we get older. We can minimize the aging and the wrinkles, but can’t stop the aging process. Some people avoid looking in the mirror when wrinkles start increasing as they age. Wrinkles are caused by thin drooping skin. They mainly appear on the face, neck, backs of hands, and the tops of the forearms. Watch this infographic mentioned by Chamnix for more best and easiest...