July 2015

You may be surprised to read this. But it is true. Some of your daily habits are the reasons behind your skin developing those lines and other aging signs way earlier than they should have. To verify this, read below and you will come to know of the various everyday habits that are aging you. Not rinsing your face at night If you do not wash your face at night, you go to bed with dirt, grime and everything that had settled...

Amidst all the hustle and bustle of anti-aging products and cosmetic techniques, there is a natural method that we all tend to ignore. This is the famous exercising and lifestyle practice - yoga. This ancient Indian form helps in maintaining a healthy body by keeping a check on the various life processes which are on a decline as we age including the skin. If we start it in time, there is every chance of retaining the youthful glow of our...

Dry skin is thinner than the other skin types and therefore falls prey to the aging signs much earlier than them. But people with dry skin shouldn't feel disheartened as this is not the ultimate measure. There are many more factors responsible for premature aging. One of them being good skin care. Yes, if dry skin is managed properly, aging signs can be delayed. All they need to do is to follow an anti aging skin care routine diligently to...