August 2014

Lifecell presents you the colorful history of nail polish, that’s how it was originated and still in trend. Let us have a look through an infographic below: Ancient times: In ancient times, henna was used as nail polish. 3000 B.C. : In 3000 B.C. , during Ming Dynasty nail polish was made from a mixture of beeswax, egg whites, gelatin, vegetable dyes, arabic gums. World War – I: During World War I, U.S. got chemical patents to nitrocellulose from Germans that allowed them...

As we age, our hands start showing signs of aging such as wrinkles, cracks and visible veins. The skin at the back of our hands is very thin and therefore susceptible to damage, which translates into loose skin, wrinkles and veiny hands. We need to take care of our hands just like we do of our face or even more because hands start showing aging signs too early. Your hands are doing so much for you, you need to return...

Facial skin on the forehead is more prone to wrinkles or deep lines as compared to other parts. Deep wrinkles on the forehead are known as ‘frown lines’ that don’t get removed easily. Facial deep lines, especially forehead wrinkles, are the result of natural aging process and damage caused by extrinsic aging factors. Intrinsic aging, however, is largely dominated by genetics.                 Extrinsic aging factors are overexposure to the sun, smoking, sleeping posture and the facial expressions you make consistently. Photoaging, aging...

Some suggest starting when you hit your twenties, while others say thirties or forties is fine. In all honesty, everyone ages differently: based upon level of stress, the amount of water you drink, how healthy the foods are that you eat and your life choices (do you smoke? drink a lot?). All of these factors contribute to the health of your skin, and when you should start using anti-aging creams.                 You’ll hear that your early 20s are the best time to...